We’re diving deep into the world of event planning to uncover the hidden layers of preparation often overlooked by clients. Just like an iceberg, where only a small portion is visible above the surface, there’s much more to creating a successful event than meets the eye.
The Tip of the Iceberg: What the client sees

Clients typically see the tip of the iceberg—the final event itself. This is the result of careful planning, coordination, and execution. It’s the stage where speakers deliver their presentations, attendee’s network, and everything seems to unfold effortlessly. However, what is often not seen is the immense amount of work that lies beneath the surface to bring the clients vision to life.

The Hidden Layers of Preparation:
    1. Initial Concept: Event planning starts with a vision—a concept that sets the tone and objectives for the entire event. This involves brainstorming ideas, defining goals, and outlining key deliverables in collaboration with the client. With our line of work it’s not only about making the meeting memorable, but also ensuring that every aspect of the event complies with the ABPI Code of Practice. From promotional materials and invitations to speaker presentations and interactions with attendees. This includes transparency in sponsorship and adherence to guidelines on interactions with healthcare professionals.


    1. Budgeting and Financial Planning: Establishing a budget and managing finances is a crucial aspect of event planning. It is imperative to remain within allocated limits while still meeting the event’s objectives. Negotiation with suppliers, and ongoing financial tracking is essential.


    1. Logistics: This encompasses everything from venue selection and layout to transportation, accommodation, and technical requirements. Ensuring that these logistical elements are properly organized and executed is crucial for the smooth running of an event.


    1. Time Management: This involves creating comprehensive event timelines, contingency plans, and communication protocols to address any unforeseen challenges that may arise.


    1. Marketing and Promotion: Generating buzz and attracting attendees to the event requires strategic marketing efforts across multiple channels, including promotional emailers, social media, creating information sites and advertising at similar events. Crafting effective but compliant content, designing eye-catching graphics, and ensuring it reaches the appropriate target audience in our databases, are all part of the marketing plan.


    1. On the day management: On the day of the event, the behind-the-scenes work continues as event planners transition into on-site event management mode. Speaker and delegate management, venue on the day logistics and unforeseen issues, coordinating with the AV team and exhibition management is just a handful of on the day requirements.


    1. Post Event Analysis and Debriefs: Following up with attendees’ post-event to gather feedback and have clear evidence of the success of the event to the client. This is also the opportunity for us a team to reflect on what went well and what we can improve on.


In conclusion, clients may not always see the hidden layers of planning and coordination beneath the surface, but they are essential for ensuring the success and seamless execution of every event. By acknowledging and appreciating the intricate work that goes into event planning, clients can gain a deeper understanding of the value our team brings to the table.


Olivia Graham – CFS Events

April 2024

#EventManagement #MedicalEvents